Milí přátelé,

níže najdete aktuální informace k dění ve Francii. Informujeme a burcujeme další jednotlivce i neziskovky, aby se ozvali a podpořili FR demonstranty. Už několikrát se manifestací zúčastnilo na milion FR občanů přímo v Paříži, navíc s velmi početnou podporou i v jiných FR městech, ale média mluví o pár stovkách tisíc účastníků, když už o tom vůbec mluví! FR prefektura prý také retušuje fotky z ptačího pohledu, aby to vypadalo, ze demonstrantů je méně. Policie též začala pokutovat ty, kdo nosí vlajku La Manif pour tous s logem rodiny na podporu přirozené rodiny, a zakázala jim tyhle vlajky nosit nebo jim je přímo odebírá!!! Také už nesmí nosit růžovou barvu (ani trička), která byla součástí barev těchto manifestaci  (ještě spolu s modrou a bílou, jak je zřejmé z fotek). A trikolorový FR pas jim také zakázali používat... Zatkli 67 mladých lidí, kteří v klidu seděli na zemi, na 17 h je zavřeli do špinavých místností jen se 2 lahvemi vody a ani jim neřekli, že mají právo zavolat si právníka... Poslancům opozice bránila ochranka ve vstupu do Parlamentu... Tak to je zatím pár novinek z  Francie, členského státu „demokratické“ Evropy a Rady Evropy... 


Nezni vám mnohé z výše popsaného povědomé? Zákaz nosit trikoloru nebo vlajku, bezdůvodné bití a zatýkání policií během pokojné demonstrace, zadrženi policií bez možnosti zavolat si právníka...

Další info v Aj i Fj, včetně fotodokumentace, je k dispozici na tomto odkazu Manifestace pro všechny (Tento název parafrázuje daný kontroverzní zákon Manželství pro všechny, který má umožnit manželství všem osobám bez ohledu na jejich sex. orientaci, a to včetně adopci děti homosexuálními páry. Základním argumentem demonstrujících na těchto Manifestacích pro všechny je skutečnost, že dítě ke svému zdravému vývoji potřebuje matku a otce, že jde tedy o práva a dobro dětí!): 

Více také najdete v Aj níže:

Body 1.) a 2.) obsahuji svědectví našich přátel přímo z Francie, pod bodem 3.) pak najdete článek se souhrnnými informacemi. Všechny tyto texty jsou vám volně k dispozici k šíření nebo citování.

Naši přátele z Francie děkují všem za podporu a pomoc! Mezi zapojenými neziskovkami už se připravuje strategie podpory, jakmile budeme mít podrobnější informace, pošlu vám je.

S pěkným pozdravem a s díky

Jana Jamborová
New Women For Europe ASBL <Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.>


1.) "We have other videos showing how the police arrested violently armless students peacefully seating together resisting with their spiritual power only. 67 students were arrested and spent 17 hours in jail, they were searched, filed, deprived of their belongings and stuffed in a dirty cell with only two bottles of water. Of course they didn’t know about their rights and that they were entitled to ask for a lawyer. The lawyers arrived well after the due time.

These non-violent demonstrations are addressed with slander and taunt by our socialist elite. Our minister of the interior has denied using gaz without warning towards children and old people although we have videos to prove it. Now we call him Manuel GAZ instead of Manuel VALLS. They lie on the number of the demonstrators. Although we counted ourselves they keep saying we were 300 000 instead of more than one million. We have demonstrated three times already and each time there is more people. Each time no incident was reported. The second time a cell phone was even restituted to the owner who had lost it.

We have to face hate speeches against us like “if a bomb explodes during their rally I will not be sorry” “for a woman renting her womb is the same as renting her arms in a factory” “they should hang some of them” “one bullet for them” “to give birth doesn’t make you mother” “nazi” homophobe” etc….and a lot of slogans against religion including the Holy Family and so on.

In Parliament as well democracy is denied, the members of parliament are protesting against the way the law is being inforced. The minister of Justice, Madame Taubira, lied when she said her gay marriage   law would not include filiation. At the same time she signed a circular letter to facilitate french citizenship of children born of surrogate mothers abroad. In other words she passes over the parliament and she encourages people to break the French law, as surrogacy is  forbidden in France. We refuse merchandisation of women and children for the sake of homosexual people (as well as for heterosexual persons).

France is not a democracy anymore, it has become a regime!"

2.) "I forgot to say that it is now forbidden to wear the sweat-shirt with the logo of the demonstration against gay marriage (design of a family: father, mother and two children holding hands) in public spaces, the fine says "wearing a piece of clothes that is contrary to good behaviour" and the police also doesn't want people to carry the French flag and the flag of the rally. A lady in her fifties that was riding a bike with this flag was stopped by police who took her flag from her. I have friends who were having coffee in a bar and the police confiscated their flag, they were two families with children. Our government is crazy!"

3.) Here is the Observatory's summary of what happened in France:


Anyone feel free to link / use / translate the text, (c) Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe.



Numerous Human Rights Violations Against Pro-Family Demonstrators

Country: France
Category: Social Hostility / Intolerance | Government Restrictions
Attack against: Morals
Nature of attack: Governmental
Tags: Exclusion (of individuals or ideas) | Equality | Freedom of Assembly | Insult or Incitement | Defamation | Negative Stereotyping | Hate Incident | Hate Crime

April 2013: The recent attacks on pro-family mass-demonstrations include: tear gaz against children and overboarding police force, unconstitutional state action and human rights violations, death threats against organizers on social media and stabbing of a protester, as well as violations of freedom of assembly.

Hundreds of thousands of French civilians have been protesting the introduction of same-sex marriage and gay adoption since November 2012. Police force, state action and LGBT activists have responded in a violent, undemocratic and intolerant way, say witnesses.

Witnesses report: 

- In March and April 2013, several instances were witnessed of the police using gaz against peaceful pro-family protesters, including children, families and elderly people. The coalition Citizens for Democracy reports that on March 24, the French authorities imposed a parade in a dead-end-road, with no exit for a demonstration of more than 1.8 million people and therefore used disproportionate public forces to "monitor the parade": within the limits of the official route of the permitted event (Avenue Foch, Porte Dauphine) tear gas were used against families (complaints and a parliamentary inquiry is underway) as well as against a former Minister, Mrs Christine Boutin. View images here:

- Samuel Lafont, a young man on the side of „La Manif Pour Tous“, the anti same-sex marriage movement, was been targetted by LGBT activists and stabbed four time in the back, and had to be hospitalized in the morning of Saturday, April 13.

- 67 young people who had conducted a nightly sit-in to protest were arrested for 17 hours in a dirty place without any knowledge about their right to call a lawyer.

- A personal witness reports: "It is now forbidden to wear the sweat-shirt with the logo of the demonstration against gay marriage (design of a family: father, mother and two children holding hands) in public spaces, the fine says ‚wearing a piece of clothes that is contrary to good behaviour’ and the police also doesn't want people to carry the French flag and the flag of the rally. A lady in her fifties that was riding a bike with this flag was stopped by police who took her flag from her. I have friends who were having coffee in a bar and the police confiscated their flag, they were two families with children. Our government is crazy!" View similar incidents in a video (French):

The French Coalition Citizens for Democracy reports:

- That “serious cases of violation of human rights are currently taking place in France as well as a serious shift towards creeping totalitarianism fearing rise of totalitarian State in France.” 

- A demonstration outside the National Assembly on February 12, 2013 was banned for risk of public disorder. Organizers challege this ban by saying that this risk is nonexistent.

- The French coalition Citizens for Democracy further reports that the “Constitutional procedure to treat a 700,000 petitions application by the Economic social and environmental Council was rejected by order from the Prime Minister, the formal referendum request was also denied by the French authorities. Churches Representatives have been shamefully disregarded during the hearings prior to the "marriage for all" debate and the President of the Republic refuses balanced dialogue with spokespersons of the counter demonstrations.”

- Further, “in a public park in Paris, the Jardin du Luxembourg, many people have been fined, arrested without cause, for wearing a t-shirt, event organizing fun, family outing with banners ‘the Manifestation for All.’ A journalist was banned from filming what was taking place.

- Finally, calls to murder on social networks against demonstrators of the "Manif For All" remain non-denounced by the French authorities.

Images and Videos:

Video showing several actions of police violence against peaceful protesters: (contains disturbing images)
Video showing the confiscation of billboards and T-shirts:
View images of tear gaz against peaceful protesters, children and elderly:

Picture of police efforts against peaceful protesters:

Self-presentation of the "Manif pour Tous":

Dr. Gudrun Kugler, MTS
Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians
Möllwaldplatz 5, A-1040 Vienna
+43 / 1 / 274 98 98, Mob: +43 / 650 / 25 26 933
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